Hunger roxane gay francais

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I am not 577 pounds fat, which Gay reveals she has been at one point. I can't imagine how hard it must have been to put some of those things into writing. There is so much heart and passion in the story, and Gay is entirely vulnerable throughout the entire book. But it's also about growing up, breaking free, being Black in a small town, understanding where your privilege lies and where you're underserved.

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Yes, this book is about being fat (which isn't a curse word - so stop being so uncomfortable when people call themselves fat, thanks). Yet, I felt like I personally wrote some of the chapters within the pages. I wish I could truly put into words how I feel about this book, but I am not that good with words. This is a different story about weight and other intersectionalities that lie within identities. I've read that one, and finished it really not feeling great about myself. This isn't a typical 'I weighed 200 pounds and hated myself, so I lost the weigh and now I'm wonderfully perfect and happy' memoir. This memoir follows Gay, a queer, Black, fat feminist female, through her lifetime struggles with weight after a horrific incident she experienced as a child.

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